
Secret Snake Club

At school, I'm starting a Dungeons and Dragons club. Big surprise, right?
Every time I think of Dungeons and Dragons, I think of this trio right here; the Secret Snake Club.
[hisses internally]
They never played DnD once, yet I still feel less nerdy than them, which is saying something.

These nerds follow the Great Snake, Shnissugah, whose house is near Lake Ontario. Shnissugah defends the nerds from bullies in the ancient jungles of Canada.
I'll just let the silent nerd explain...

As I watched the video, I realized how kick ass it would be to have a giant snake creature who would come and help the adventurers when they were in over their heads in a jungle. He would be the myth known simply as Shnissugah, or the Great Canada Snake.

When you think about it, Billy and Mandy is a treasure trove of awesome ideas; an old vampire who just wants to get the Early Bird Special. A giant slime monster from space who wants to eat brains. Fred Fredburger.
Fred Fredburger! YES!
All in all, Maxwell Adams did a great job showing what nerds are like when they're all together and actually made creepy things fun to watch and play around with.
Unlike Courage, which gave me nightmares as a kid.

From a writing perspective, it was done nicely. Scary things were less scary, like Cthluhu and his telemarketing business, and cute things became scary, or creepy, like the Schlubs.

I don't know how to end this. I've been working on articles for weeks, and I have some homework that needs done. I need to maintain this blog a little better, and I need to get back into writing. The holidays will consume a lot of my time, as well as yours, so I may be slow publishing another post.
In case I don't, have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a Happy Kwanzaa, and a blessed new year! 

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